
Showing posts from October, 2019


CURRICULUM – OLD AND NEW CONCEPTS, MECHANICS OF CURRICULUM PLANNING In the past, the term ”Curriculum” signified a course of studies followed by a pupil in a teaching institution. Today, it means in general terms, the contract between society, the state and educational professionals with regard to the educational activities that learners should undergo during a certain phase of their lives to learn something desirable. According to Ronald Doll, curriculum is the formal and informal content and process by which learners gain knowledge and understanding, develop skills, and alter attitudes, appreciations and values under the auspices of an academic institution. In other words, curriculum can be defined as the total experience. From this view point, Curriculum is not only the content selected and delivered, but also the planned and unplanned activities in which individuals participate as students. A curriculum is the instructional and the educative progamme by following which t...


UNDER-GRADUATE PREPARATION OF PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION Area of Health Education Health education means different thing for different people because it is an abstract term. Some people regard it as a matter which is being related to the public or people at large while for some, it is a means through which they get various kinds of information relating to health and diseases. In simple terms, it can be said that anything with the help of which one can get information relating to any aspect of health is known as Health education. The main objective of health education is to generate a kind of awareness in the people for their health. They are being provided the information about various kinds of diseases and the method with help of which they can be treated. The following are the 10 content areas to assist local schools in their efforts to implement Comprehensive School Health Education (CSHE). 1.    General Health Education 2.    Community health and C...